together. To allow for the notched beam,
m easure 5 0 and 100m m across the top
of each post and draw a pair of parallel
lines across the end.
Use clam ps or blocks to prevent
posts from rolling. Use a power saw with
saw blade set to cut as deep as you can, to
cut ends of housings.
Mark in the full 140m m depth of
housing, then use a circular saw to cut as
far as you can down the line, making sure
the cuts are square, followed by a handsaw
to cut the rest of the way.
Drill out bottom of housings with a
25m m Speedbor to remove bulk of waste.
To do this efficiently, you'll need 2 holes
centred 13m m up from the bottom line.
Work from both sides for maximum accuracy.
Again, w orking from both sides,
chisel out waste so bottom of housing is flat
and smooth, right on the 140m m mark.
Cut beam s to a length of 2200m m ,
then place 2 beam s together so they are
a lign e d all around. M e asu re 1 5 0 and
2 9 0 m m from each end and square lines
across beams. Screw beam s together with
75m m screw s to make one 90m m -thick
beam, but do not screw between lines.
Turn beam over and draw another
set of lines 1 50 and 290m m in from ends.
Set power saw to cut to a depth of 20mm,
then cut along w aste sides of the 2 lines.
Follow with a se rie s of parallel cuts in
between to make removing waste easy.
Ham mer thin wafers of timber to
remove them, then use a chisel to tidy and
smooth bottom of housings.
1 1
S e t p o sts in h o le s and fit
crossbeam in place. It should slip in firmly
but without hammering. Fitting the beam
at this stage allow s you to rotate posts
sligh tly if they are not quite correctly
aligned. Check the level of the crossbeam
and identify the higher of the 2 posts.
Use spare tim ber and p e gs to
brace the higher post in 2 directions. Once
set, check both directions for plumb again,
then fill hole with concrete to secure post. If
you want the concrete to set quickly, use the
fast-setting type. Make sure concrete fills
all void s by rodding it in place. Concrete
to just below ground surface.
STEP 1 3
C heck w hether cro ssb eam is
level. If it is, concrete other post in place. If
not, pour a bag of dry concrete mix into the
hole, lift the pole slightly and settle it. Then
check again to see if crossbeam is level.
W hen it is, check plumb of the post on its
side to see if it needs to kick in or out at the
bottom. Adjust so it's parallel with the first
post, then start adding more concrete. A s
the hole fills, align post front to back using
level and eyeing to first post you put in.
Predrill and screw through horns
of the post into the beam using 100m m
batten screws. Let the structure stand as
the concrete sets.
W hile c o n cre te is se ttin g,
u nd ercoat fram e with a primer, sealer
and undercoat, and let dry. Paint 2 coats
of Dulux Weathershield Low Sheen acrylic
in Five Star or the colour of your choice.
To make biplane seat
U sing a jigsaw, cut out curved
seat, m ain w in g and tailplane (C,D,E)
using the pink 40m m -grid diagram s (see
page 186) as a guide .
M ark in centre line of seat
(C), then m easure 150m m to each side,
and square lines across w ing parts. Also,
mark in 70m m up the centre line from the
front. Glue and screw the front struts (F)
to the w ing so they are centred on the
w ing and on the line.
Round the front e d ge s of the
fuse lage (G) with a 20m m radius, then
screw fuselage to the seat as well, with its
back edge on the 70m m mark. Glue and
screw the main wing (D) to the top, using
the sam e spacings.
Mark 1 5mm to each side of the
centre line for the back struts (H ). Glue and
screw these struts to seat with the back
outside corners of struts on curve of the
back of the seat. Add tailplane (E).
Select an 11 mm drill bit that is
slightly larger than the 10m m rope. Using
40m m -grid diagram s as a guide, drill a total
of eight 1 1mm rope holes on the outside of
the w ings at the top, and closer in towards the
struts on the seat itself.
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